
Posts Tagged ‘Bil Kelly’

Hey Laura, I’d like to get in on your silly little game! I think you have room for more players! Laura may have tried to wipe the web clean of that dumb geocities url, but records of it still exist. Just as the records still exist of her sharing that address at McClurg Court with Kelly! Hurry up, Laura! Clean it up!

Yes, we’ve been down there, as there seems to be a lot that the Topinka shills are concealing…which is to be expected from anyone working for Judy Baar Topinka, whether directly or indirectly!

Why is it that since Cao’s blog exposed Laura Grock as a paid PR hack who appears to be working fulltime for the penniless schlub Bill Kelly…that Laura Grock’s name has mysteriously disappeared from his communiques and now all these blogs are popping up out of nowhere?

There’s this one…

And this one…

And there are probably more! Nice ploy you’ve got there, Laura, but it’s not like we haven’t seen it before.

We’ll play your silly game…but we’ll up the anty!

Why is Bill Kelly’s father still listed in some places as the owner of the McClurg Court street address? What is it that William F. Kelly was trying to do for his son that William J. Kelly couldn’t do for himself? William F. Kelly died in 2006…he is no longer living! These records are incredibly curious…as is the revelation that Bill Kelly has SIBLINGS!

Plus, the weird part about Kelly having been helped out by Jack Roeser…and the fact that Judy Baar Topinka is clearly and plainly being systematically taken apart over at Roeser’s Champion News…makes one wonder why Kelly would stab is old friend of 20-something years in the back because Martin E. Janis tells him to. Probably the best clue to the answer is the fact that Laura Grochocki is one of Laura’s aliases-and she is not only living with Kelly, she’s listed on the property at the McClurg Court address in downtown Chicago.

Were William F. Kelly’s children all encouraged to be teachers?

Where did he and Mary fail their son in their efforts to do that?

Stay tuned…developing…

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