
Archive for the ‘Leftists’ Category

Just when we think that Obama and Biden have reached the absolute pinnacle of outrageousness, we find that they have topped themselves. Now we see Obama, in what must be the most cynical political pander of all time, traveling around the country on Air Force One, attempting to buy the votes of heavily indebted students and former students with a partial forgiveness of student loans that is estimated to be worth from $4 to $8 per month, per person, for 20 years.
Why anyone would borrow as much as $200,000 to obtain a college degree that will do little or nothing to help them find gainful employment is beyond reason. Needless to say, those who would make such a foolish bargain are bound to be Obama voters. But that’s a subject for another day.
As a way of responding to Obama’s political ploy, his “student loan stimulus,” here is an open letter to Obama describing my own experience with higher education.

October 31, 2011

Mr. Barack Obama

The White House

Washington, DC 20500-0001

Dear Mr. Obama:

Please excuse me for not addressing you as “Mr. President.”  As an instructor in constitutional law, you knew before you ran that you were not a “natural born Citizen” as required by the U.S. Constitution, but you ran anyway. Why else would you sign an Executive Order sealing all of your personal records?  However, since you have successfully finagled your way into the White House, where you are attempting to redistribute the wealth of those who understand the value of a free market economy, I want to be sure to claim my share of your student loan boondoggle.

Once you understand what I had to endure in order to earn my college education, I’m sure you will agree that it was not fair.  And if there’s one thing we do know about you it is that you are a stickler for “fairness.”

To give you a bit of background, I was born into a poor Missouri sharecropper family in 1933.  My parents both had sixth grade educations and worked their entire lives either as tenant farmers, factory workers, or common laborers.  And because they didn’t want my sisters and me to have to live a hand-to-mouth existence as they were forced to do, they insisted that we all get high school diplomas… so that we could “get good jobs.”

In my case, I went to work on a factory assembly line when I was 18 years old.  I was drafted at age 19 and returned to the factory after two years in the Army.  Then, when I was out of high school for seven years, married, and the father of a one-year-old child, I decided I would need a college education.  So, at age 25, with no scholarships, no money of my own, and no family support, I enrolled in the College of Engineering at the University of Missouri.

Yes, I could have majored in the arts, humanities, political science, sociology, or education where I could have played and partied my way through school.  I could have chosen a “softball” curriculum… much like the college experiences of most of your Occupy Wall Street friends… but I didn’t.  I went to college with a purpose.  I went to college to acquire knowledge and skills that would actually help me get a real job in a good-paying profession after I graduated.

Believe me, it was no bed of roses.  Coming from a family where higher education was never discussed, my only goal in high school was to satisfy my parents’ dream that I earn a diploma.

I wasn’t concerned about learning mathematics, chemistry, or physics, so I focused on courses such as arts and crafts, glee club, and shop.  It was not a course of study that a pre-engineering student would choose, but its appeal was that it didn’t require any actual study.

As I prepared to enter the university I sold everything we had of any value except for our 1953 Ford and a few kitchen utensils.  Then, with part of the $300 I had borrowed from one of my mother’s girlhood friends, I went to the local Goodwill Store where I purchased a bedroom set, a couch, a coffee table, an end table, a refrigerator, and a dinette set… enough to furnish three small rooms, and all for a total of $50.00.  The furniture I bought was on a junk pile in the alley behind the Goodwill Store, waiting to be hauled off to the local landfill because it was beyond repair.  The couch had a hole in the cushion so large that our child could have fallen through it, so we stuffed the hole full of rags and covered the cushion with a folded bed sheet.

As we drove the 102 miles to the university to begin the 1958 fall semester I was scared to death.  I was so teary-eyed and choked with emotion that I could barely see the road ahead, but I knew I had to do what I’d set out to do, no matter what.  And when I had unloaded all of our possessions into a small single-story tarpaper shack at the edge of campus and returned the U-Haul trailer to the rental agency, I leaned against the fender of my car, stared at our ugly new home, and cried.

When I started attending classes I was 25 years old, the only veteran in my class.  I had no high school background for the engineering curriculum, and I had no idea how I would supplement my $120 per month G.I. Bill stipend.  My classmates, against whom I would be competing for grades, were all freshly out of high school.  They all had the benefit of four years of chemistry, physics, and mathematics, and in almost every instance their parents were paying their way.

I worked very hard.  It seemed as though I was either in class or studying all day, every day, but our economic circumstances were never far from my mind.  We paid $27 per month rent for our housing and we had a food budget of 60 cents a day.  The rest of our $120 monthly income went for gasoline, utilities, insurance, and to savings for the next semester’s tuition.  So, seeing that we couldn’t survive at that income level, just two months into my first semester we accepted a job managing a small 15-unit motel.  As compensation, we received only a $50 per month salary and the use of a one-bedroom apartment, but it was enough to get us by… with no frills.

It was a difficult life… renting the rooms, supervising the maid, performing all of the electrical and plumbing maintenance, mowing the lawns, and trimming the hedges… but we had no choice in the matter.  In addition to running the motel business, I attended every lecture, I did every homework assignment, and I studied hard for every exam.  Unfortunately, when mid-term grades were posted in early December, I was devastated.  I was failing every course.

My only alternative was to work even harder, so I established a study regimen that included 14 hours of home study, every day, seven days a week, and I refused to turn a page in a textbook until I thoroughly understood everything on that page.  By following that study regimen I was able to turn my grades around and made the Dean’s List at the end of my freshman year.

We managed the motel for two years, my freshman and sophomore years, until the workload caused me to experience a near physical and mental breakdown.  We left the motel business, moved into a small duplex, and my wife took a night-shift minimum wage job as a nurse’s aide at the university medical center.  But that didn’t mean that our lives were any easier.  At 10:00 PM each evening I warmed up the car, wrapped our two sons in blankets (yes, we were blessed with a second child in January 1960), carried them out to the car, drove my wife to the hospital for her 10:30 PM shift, drove home, carried the boys back into the house, and put them back into their beds.  Then, when they were asleep once again I went back to my books, studied until 2:30 or 3:00 AM, went to bed, and slept until 6:00 AM.  At 6:00 o’clock I was up, changed diapers, dressed the boys, and drove them to the sitter.  I picked up my wife at the medical center at 7:00 AM, drove her home so that she could get 8 hours sleep, and drove to campus for my 7:40 AM classes.  It was a brutal 21-21½ hour routine that I followed every day for my last two years.

Our next door neighbor was a young welfare mother with three small children whose husband was serving a 15-20 year sentence for forgery.  Yet, whenever we were broke and without food for two or three days, she was always kind enough to give us a potato or two and a few slices of bread, which we fed to our children.  Her in-laws, farming people, were understandably ashamed that their son was not supporting his family, so each time they butchered an animal they always brought her a supply of fresh meat.  But our neighbor didn’t like “country meat.”  Each time they brought a supply of fresh meat for her freezer she tossed it into our community garbage pails, saying, “We don’t like that old country meat.  We like hamburgers, baloney, and wieners.”

When I returned years later for my twentieth class reunion I took my children on a nostalgia tour.  And when I stopped in the driveway of that dilapidated old duplex I was surprised to see the man who’d been our landlord twenty years earlier.  As we reminisced, he reminded me of the times when he’d seen me searching through those garbage pails late at night, retrieving the freshly-butchered beef and pork that our neighbor had thrown away.  And when my son asked later, “Dad, you fed us out of garbage cans?”  I said, “Yes, I guess I did.  I did whatever I had to do.”

Yes, Mr. Obama, those were difficult times.  When I graduated in June 1962 I was 6 ft. tall and weighed 116 lb.  But they were years when I was allowed to prove to myself and to my family what a great country we live in… the kind of country where someone of my humble beginnings could pull himself up by the bootstraps to realize the American Dream… the American Dream that you would deny to our fellow Americans because it does not coincide with your Marxist view.  Like your black brother, Herman Cain, I am a living symbol of what America is all about.

On the other hand, Mr. Obama, if I am entirely wrong about the kind of country we are.  If we are the kind of country that you and your Democratic friends think we are… or should be… then someone owes me, BIG TIME!  In a cynical attempt to buy the college vote, you are offering a forgiveness of student loans worth from $4 to $8 per month.  Although you could never buy my vote, for any amount of money, it appears my share of the student loan “stimulus,” calculated at $6 per month and dating back to June 1962, comes to $3,552.

After what my children were put through, and given the stress that I was forced to endure, I suggest that a small share of your student loan “stimulus” package might even the score a bit, even at this late date.  You can send my check to me at the return address on this envelope.  Do I have it coming to me?  I leave it to your spirit of “fairness.”


Paul R. Hollrah, BS CE

Member, Chi Epsilon National Scholastic Honor Fraternity

Immediate Past President, Civil Engineering Academy of

Distinguished Alumni, University of Missouri


Cao2’s note: Obama was never an ‘instructor’ of constitutional law.

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John points out that they’re following “Rules for Radicals” when one suggests demonstrating outside Chicago Mayor Emanuel’s house.  In so doing, however, they would be ‘preaching to the choir’ so to speak, as Emanuel is one of their own.  See the MP exclusive video here.

See Kender’s advice to the Occupiers at the American Thinker.

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In a word, YES. Read the reasoning as to why that is.

By the authors, Robert P. George, a professor of politics at Princeton and the founder of the American Principles Project; and Melissa Moschella, a doctoral candidate in political theory at Princeton.

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What they want to stop is Scott Lively talking about the facts about socialism and homosexuality in the book he co-authored “The Pink Swastika”. No dissent is allowed, no discussion, just ‘shut down Scott Lively”. You can bet if the situation were reversed, it would be considered a ‘hate crime’ despite the fact that these people want to rob people of faith of their ‘freedom of religion’. They claim it’s about ‘equal rights’ but that’s not the reality of it. The debate about homosexuality and what the Bible says (and whether we have the freedom or SHOULD retain the freedom to talk about the Bible says) is modern day society’s war about religious freedom, make no mistake.

The report by WorldNetDaily’s Drew Zahn describes the scene:

“In the early morning hours, on the eve of a banquet designed to expose the homosexual activist agenda, security cameras on the campus of the Christian Liberty Academy, a school run by the Church of Christian Liberty in Arlington Heights, Ill., captured what may be a prominent example of an anti-Christian ‘hate crime.’
An unknown vandal or vandals threw chunks of concrete bricks through the school’s entryway with a message protesting the banquet, which was planned by Americans for Truth about Homosexuality, or AFTAH, to honor pro-family activist and author of ‘The Pink Swastika,’ Dr. Scott Lively.
Upon the concrete bricks were written the words ‘Shut down Lively,’ and the vandals included a note threatening more violence if the church and school didn’t stop hosting such ‘homophobic’ guests.
‘This is just a sample of what we will do if you don’t shut down Scott Lively and AFTAH,” the note reads. ‘F— Scott Lively. Quit the homophobic s—!’”

It’s readily apparent who the haters are.

See also Homofascism and the Dark Days Brewing for America An excerpt:

members of the various factions of the Left, are more than willing to break laws and to vandalize or destroy property to push their twisted agenda. They spit on the law, and they feast on a hatred of the truth and those who proclaim it, but they apparently see no duplicity in their profuse, false accusations of “hate” toward those of us who tell the truth about the sin of homosexuality. It is more important than ever that we strongly refuse to be intimidated or silenced by these people and stand against them, as Mr. LaBarbera, Dr. Lively and the Christian Liberty Academy are doing.

As more and more people cower in the face of these dangerous acts of domestic terrorism to force us to comply with their twisted idea of reality and give up more of our freedoms, people like LaBarbera, Dr. Lively and organizations that stand true like the Christian Liberty Academy need our support.

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From the Patriot Post

This image says it all about the ideologies that are at war with one another today. The poster can be purchased from the Patriot Post, here.

More communists join the “Occupy Wallstreet” protesters; Pete Seeger and Arlo Guthrie.

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In the wake of Glenn Beck’s announcement, “reporters” are going mad…about his new agreement with Fox…see it here…Beck talks about it on his radio program. Apparently Good Morning America has an ‘investigative’ division…and it’s probably just as loony as Media Matters’ website…all of whom are supposedly “investigating”…

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The kings of intolerance who claim to be tolerant…are the homosexual activists who are slowly finding out about the book “A Queer Thing Happened to America”. Reliably, the homosexuals’ behavior toward the book is growing more and more ugly, as they mimic the Nazi behavior of ACT-UP Activists.

Dr. Michael Brown, the author of the book, writes in an email:

Yesterday (Monday), a very aggressive gay blogger picked up on the book and my interview on the Sid Roth show, encouraging his readers to go to Amazon and blast the book, also posting inflammatory and even vulgar tags associated with the book. Within a day, at least twelve very ugly, one-star reviews appeared (obviously, from people who never read the book), not to mention tags being added that were so obscene they cannot even be  mentioned.

Here are some samplings (and remember, we are  supposedly the intolerant bigots!): (more…)

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An Apple a day keeps ex-gays away
Exclusive: Christopher Doyle looks at latest discrimination against the ‘questioning’

It used to be that literature, scientific research and ex-gay books would quietly be misplaced in the wrong section in your local bookstore. Now that we’re in the digital age, it’s not only happening on the bookshelves, but on the Internet as well. Turns out some are still threatened by the fact that people can change from gay to straight. So, rather than debate, reason and perform the necessary research to prove their point, perpetrators of viewpoint discrimination use another strategy: defame, intimidate and remove all others’ views except their own.

Read the rest…this has to do with an ex-gay application that Apple nuked because of gay activists.

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See David A. Patten’s article here at Newsmax:

Potential 2012 GOP presidential contender Donald Trump is doubling down on his call for President Barack Obama to produce a birth certificate, saying “facts are emerging” that have raised a “real question” as to whether Obama is constitutionally eligible to serve as president.

Read more on Newsmax.com: Trump: New Facts Emerging on Obama Birth Certificate

Trump also said on Fox that he doesn’t like the term ‘birthers’ – because all those folks are doing is asking to verify that Obama was born in the U.S.  With all the money Obama has been spending on court cases to dodge the issue, it’s fair to say that he’s made it obvious that he is hiding something…a certificate of live birth can be obtained by any joker from anywhere…and that’s all Obama has managed to produce.

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Through email from WND:
Ayers admits (again) he wrote Obama bio

Bill Ayers has once again suggested he was the author of Barack Obama’s celebrated autobiography, even though the admission could be explained away as a mocking irony designed only to goad Ayers’s critics by yet another false admission he was the president’s ghostwriter.

At the conclusion of a speech sponsored by the Students for a Democratic Society at Montclair State University in New Jersey, the former Weather Underground bomber gleefully claimed credit for writing Obama’s “Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance.”

Read it on WND.com.

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“Hey, you’re into organic food? Just like Heinrich Himmler! He was as crazy about it as you are! He had this great plan to feed the entire SS on nothing but organic food. Problem was organic food requires about four times as much land to produce as non-organic food and the Nazis just couldn’t grab enough of it. Anyway, not being a Nazi myself I prefer to stick to non-organic food. It’s cheaper, and it means there’s more land to spare to feed the people who need it. You know, Third World people and Untermenschen like that.”

Purchase the best selling book by James Delingpole, 365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy from Amazon.

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Quote P. J. O’Rourke:
“The principal feature of American liberalism is sanctimoniousness. By loudly denouncing all bad things–war and hunger and date rape–liberals testify to their own terrific goodness. More important, they promote themselves to membership in a self-selecting elite of those who care deeply about such things… It’s a kind of natural aristocracy, and the wonderful thing about this aristocracy is that you don’t have to be brave, smart, strong, or even lucky to join it, you just have to be liberal.”

Excuse me, but…BWAHAHAHAHAHA! 365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy at Amazon is available now in paperback…

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From Human Events:

Only a few decades after the fall of the Berlin Wall, all too many Americans have forgotten the horrors that stood behind it. A recent survey found that only 53% of American adults believe that capitalism is better than socialism.

And while progressives, including President Obama, scoff when conservatives denounce what is currently coming out of Washington as “socialism,” socialism it is.

Now, in The Politically Incorrect Guide™ to Socialism, Kevin D. Williamson provides a historical and contemporary analysis of socialist policies — including Obamacare and other up-to-the-minute examples — and explains why they inevitably lead to economic catastrophe and political repression, while benefiting a privileged few.

Get the facts about Socialism now

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This is the infamous viral video involving a fat kid in Australia who had finally had enough of the bully and gave him the what-for. Here in the US, the Obama administration’s position on bullying in schools has been evident since the beginning of his presidential term. Everyone loses big time on this.

DOJ to white male bullying victims: Tough luck (Washington Times)

Apparently, the Justice Department is going by George Orwell’s famous Animal Farm ending: “All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.”

To impose this on school children is ridiculous; it removes common sense and replaces it with cultural marxism.

The Justice Department’s anti-bullying initiative is tantamount to bringing hate crime legislation to the public school system. Obviously, not only is the heterosexual white male student out of luck but inner city minority students lose out in this deal too.

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The AFA is proposing a boycott of Home Depot because of its promotion of anti-family homosexual agenda. But in the following article, how radical the promotion is –is beyond the imagination. The Home Depot mascot appeared at the Chicago Gay Pride parade in 2009, a picture of it is at the link below. A picture of children holding Home Depot cups with flags in them that promote a gay website proclaiming itself as “the men’s social group for men who have sex with men.” As per the AFA’s commentary on the picture, The cups were given to children by The Home Depot gay parade marchers, while homosexual activists followed up by introducing them to gay sex websites.

The Home Depot has no problem aligning itself with gay activist groups who target children with a pro-homosexual message.

Take a look at the article and pictures in its entirety by clicking on the link below.

BOYCOTT! The Home Depot promotes the homosexual agenda

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